Home » In Italy, archaeologists unearthed the remains of a Roman city: what was in it

In Italy, archaeologists unearthed the remains of a Roman city: what was in it

by alex

Archaeologists began work in the city back in 2010.

Scientists found in the Italian city of Pignataro-Interamna remains of the Roman theater, market and river port.

This is reported on the Cambridge University website.

As researchers said, the decline of the city began about 300 years later than previously thought.

“As a result, they discovered a large warehouse, a temple and a bath complex, which, according to scientists, was a river port in the period from the end of the 1st century BC to the 4th century AD,” the report says

On an area of ​​about 24 hectares, scientists conducted a series of excavations and carried out magnetic and georadar surveys.

The indoor theater could accommodate 1,500 people.< /p>

“Scientists also discovered 19 internal buildings and areas of land where, in their opinion, there was a market where cattle and sheep were sold,” the report says.

Archaeologists began work in the city back in 2010.

“Back in 2010, Professor Martin Millett and I began work on what seemed to be the most unpromising site, since no one had ever tried to excavate it. This rarely happens in Italy,” said study author Alessandro Launaro.

He also suggests that about 2,000 inhabitants could have lived in the city and left it due to the danger of invasion by the Lombard tribe at the end of the 6th century AD.

Recall that a man with a metal detector discovered a 1000-year-old gold coin. s image of Jesus Christ.

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