Home ยป In Georgia, protesters smashed windows in parliament, security forces used water cannons: video

In Georgia, protesters smashed windows in parliament, security forces used water cannons: video

by alex

The police violently disperse the protesters.

In Georgia, the protesters stormed the parliament, they broke the windows near the building of the legislative body. Security forces use water cannons against people.

This is reported by the Georgian “Radio Liberty”.

The footage shows how Georgian protesters smashed the windows of the parliament. In response, the security forces used tear gas and water cannons.

The police began to force people to disperse. Politician Giorgi Vashadze urged the public to cordon off the legislative body. After the protesters smashed the windows in the parliament, Vashadze approached them and asked them to refrain from violent actions.

Protests in Georgia: what is known

Protests erupted in Georgia on March 7 over a pro-Russian “foreign agent” law that harms the country's European integration.

On March 8, activists protested again. The protesters put forward two demands to the authorities: to withdraw the law “on foreign agents” from parliament and to release all the detainees. But the government refused.

After that, the Georgians decided to stage a peaceful “parliament siege”. At the same time, some of them are trying to demolish the barriers near the building.

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