Home » In Dymer near Kiev, the invaders hung a tricolor with fireworks

In Dymer near Kiev, the invaders hung a tricolor with fireworks

by alex

In the village of Dymer, Kiev region, the Russian military appointed their head of the community, hung the tricolor and arranged a “holiday” with fireworks.

Referring to the comment of the daughter of a local resident who has been in the village since the beginning of the occupation, the Kyiv Regional Council reports this.

– They hung a Russian flag there, drove the locals around, as if it were a holiday, staged fireworks. They blew up a mine at the village council, explaining it this way: “You see, your people are shooting at you, and we are protecting you”. Although they blew it up themselves,” the girl said.

Columns of Russian vehicles entered Dymer on the second day of the full-scale invasion.

Since that time, there has been no electricity in the village, water, heat and communications.

Some of the residents were able to evacuate, while the rest are hiding in cellars and basements.

On March 20, the 25th day of a full-scale war in Ukraine began. You can follow the situation on the interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine.

For more information about the war in Ukraine – read the news online in the ICTV Facts material.

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