Home » In Donbas, a militant threatened OSCE observers to take away their cars

In Donbas, a militant threatened OSCE observers to take away their cars

by alex

This is stated in the report of the OSCE mission.

The incident occurred on the morning of February 16, when representatives of the mission were patrolling the territory not controlled by the Ukrainian government near the village of Shymshinovka, which is 27 km southwest of Luhansk.

An unarmed militant approached the OSCE SMM and asked them to leave the training ground, stating that they were not allowed to be there during live-fire exercises.

“He also said that such stay on the territory should be agreed with the persons who own the actual control,” the report says.

Afterwards, a representative of illegal armed groups threatened to take away the patrol cars if the mission tried to visit the site without prior approval.

The SMM had to leave the area.

The OSCE SMM reminds of the unconditionality of their freedom of movement and their right to monitor within the limits defined in the mission's mandate.

In January, it was reported that the occupiers repeatedly jammed the drones of the OSCE mission in Donbas.

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