Home » In Croatia told about the end of the patience of Russians

In Croatia told about the end of the patience of Russians

by alex

If Germany, under US pressure, refuses to build the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, this could lead to the end of the Russians' patience. This opinion was expressed by journalist Dorian Marjanovic on the pages of the Croatian edition of Advance.

He believes that the FRG now has to solve a difficult dilemma: how to complete the construction of a gas pipeline from Russia and at the same time restore relations with the United States that were damaged under President Donald Trump?

According to the journalist, if the Germans could, they would remain public allies of the United States and secret partners of Russia – and the Russian state would be fine with that: in this situation, it is interested in economic cooperation. However, the United States will not agree to this.

According to Maryanovich, Biden is a true ideologue of the Cold War, and his administration will work to restore Washington's influence in Europe, primarily in Berlin. The journalist points out that Germany may abandon the project, but this is likely to anger Russia, which previously behaved extremely correctly in energy matters.

Earlier, the Minister of the Environment of Germany Svenja Schulze said that if the construction of Nord Stream 2 is stopped, Germany may face claims for damages in international arbitration courts.

Nord Stream 2 is a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, laid along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Now it is 95 percent completed, the total cost of its construction is estimated at $ 11 billion. The gas pipeline was going to be commissioned at the end of 2019, but the completion of construction had to be postponed due to US sanctions.

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