Home » In Crimea, the culprit of the growth of tension in the region was named

In Crimea, the culprit of the growth of tension in the region was named

by alex

Permanent Representative of Crimea Muradov: tension in the region has grown after the launch of the “Crimean Platform”

Photo: Petr Kassin / Kommersant

The level of tension in the Black Sea region increased after the launch of the so-called “Crimean platform” by the Ukrainian authorities and Western countries, Georgy Muradov, Permanent Representative of Crimea to the President of Russia, said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper.

Muradov noted an increase in provocations against Russia. He explained that the countries of the West, in particular NATO and its satellites, within the framework of this platform, in fact undertook a written commitment to increase pressure on Russia.

“Having signed the document, the participants of the“ Crimean Platform ”- it’s not just that it is called“ the platform for the de-occupation of Crimea ”- have been actively working on its implementation over the past two or three months. Hence, active provocations in relation to both the sea and air space in the Crimean region, “- said the permanent representative.

He stressed that the direct implementation of this policy is clearly demonstrated – in particular, NATO warships, which are close to Crimea. “If you remember, the British ship Defender went to the border at all,” Muradov said. He noted that overflights of foreign military aircraft near Crimea and “sabotage against the very territory of Russia” can be associated with this.

He stated that the “Crimean Platform” has become a legal justification for the aggressive actions of the West in the region. Muradov also stressed that it provides for comprehensive actions against Russia.

“This is the constant disturbance to us with its increased military activity, this is the continuation of aggressive rhetoric regarding the alleged violation of human rights in Crimea, and this is groundless falsification on the Crimean Tatar topic. Among the first in this platform is a clause about allegedly protecting freedom of navigation in the Black Sea-Azov region, which can be interpreted as an intention to continue provocations with ships in the Kerch Strait, as it was in 2019, ”the politician said.

The first Crimean Platform summit was held in August this year. 46 countries and international organizations took part in it, including all EU countries, NATO, G7 countries, Lublin Triangle (Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland), Associated Trio (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova) and countries of the Normandy format “(Except for Russia).

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