Home » In China, robots working in a library quarreled with each other

In China, robots working in a library quarreled with each other

by alex

Internet users are discussing a video of two robots fighting.

Tutu and Wangbao work in a library in the Chinese province of Jiangxi. Their job is to help readers find the books they need.

One of the visitors turned to the robot for help, but the second robot intervened. A quarrel began between them.

Humanoid machines began to exchange barbs, turn away from each other. Library visitors filmed the match.

Wangbao eventually decided to make up and admitted his guilt. Tutu seems to have forgiven his brother, but stated that he is subject to frequent mood swings and fickleness.

Both witnesses to the quarrel and Internet users who saw the video found the behavior of the robots cute.

Among those who commented on what they saw, there are also many skeptics who consider the scene to be staged. Eyewitnesses insist that the video is genuine.

In China, robots working in a library quarreled with each other

In China, robots working in a library quarreled with each other

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