Home ยป In China, only games that correspond to socialist values will be allowed

In China, only games that correspond to socialist values will be allowed

by alex

It became known that the Chinese authorities have introduced a new system for the admission of video games. As it turned out, those titles that correspond to socialist values will start admitting.

So, in order for the game to enter the world's largest market, it needs to pass according to five criteria, gaining at least three points on each item. At the same time, if a title managed to score four or five points, it becomes a priority for publication.

It is known that the list of criteria included: conceptuality (assessment of the game world and its compliance with the values of socialism), quality (analysis of the script and its basis on scientific facts), originality of design (check for borrowing), cultural subtext (is the game capable of promoting Chinese culture ) and the development stage (checking the completion of the work).

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