< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/248/tsn-7a7Afafe7A64CD96A891771CF6 BF5B51/Thumbs/1036x648/1C/F2/746E170E91C9D3DE5793721111B28F21C.png " />< p >< strong > pilot managed to safely eject. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 62 ~ on Saturday, Chinese DMS J-5 divorced during training flight in the southern province of Hainan.
< p > video of this incident was published on social networks.
~ 60 > As can be seen on the published personnel, the pilot managed to safely eject.
~ ~ 60 > in the statement of the southern command of the Chinese naval forces in social networks it is said that the cause of the accident is established. There are no reports of victims or material damage on Earth.
< p > incident occurred in the region of the South China Sea, where in recent years there has been a confrontation between Chinese and Philippine ships around disputed reefs and islands in this area. 62> Last month, the Coast Guard of the Philippines condemned the dangerous maneuvers of the Chinese Navy helicopter. 62>< strong > what is known about the Chinese fighter j-15
62 > 62 > 62 ~ ~ 60 > Chinese deck fighter Shenyang J-15 is often called a “flying shark”, it is based on Chinese aircraft carriers.
~ ~ > ads this aircraft entered in 2013 and became the cornerstone of the naval aircraft of Chinese, demonstrating it, demonstrating it The growing ability to act away from its shores.
< p > designed by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation J-15 fighter was created on the basis of the Soviet Su-33. In the early 2000s, China acquired a prototype in Ukraine.
< p > Despite its origin, J-15 includes local updates, including an improved Avionic, radar systems and weapons, which makes it a multi-purpose fighter. ~ 60 > < p > equipped with two WS-10 engines, it boasts of a combat radius of about 1,500 kilometers and a carrying capacity of more than 6.5 tons, which allows it to carry out a combination of air-air, air air and anti-ship missiles. 62> < p > Recall that earlier the aircraft of the Air Force of India Mirage-2000 was broken in the state of Madhya-Pradesh in the central part of the country. 62> < h4 > similar topics:
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