Home ยป In China, a case of human infection with avian influenza was registered

In China, a case of human infection with avian influenza was registered

by alex

As it became known, in the Chinese city of Bazhong, a case of human infection with bird flu was registered. The patient was a 55-year-old local resident.

According to Chinese media reports, on June 30, the man had a fever, and on July 4 he was hospitalized. As a result of the tests carried out, the Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention concluded on July 6 that the patient was infected with the H5N6 virus, writes Lenta.ru.

Evidence from local disease control and prevention experts indicated that this is a case of bird-to-human transmission of H5N6. At the time of this writing, there is no information on human-to-human transmission of the virus. In this regard, experts believe that the risk of a large-scale spread of the disease is extremely low.

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