Home » In Britain, spoke about the growing tension between Kiev and Washington

In Britain, spoke about the growing tension between Kiev and Washington

by alex

Political scientist Singh spoke of tensions between Ukraine and the United States due to talk of an “invasion”

Photo: Shamil Zhumatov / Reuters

Tensions are rising between Kiev and Washington over frequent claims of an imminent “Russian invasion” of Ukraine. Professor of Birkbeck (University of London, Britain) Rob Singh spoke about this in a commentary to Lente.ru.

According to the political scientist, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky fears that regular talk about a “Russian invasion” will frighten off investors and provoke speculation in the currency and its sale amid expectations of a depreciation.

“U.S. President Joe Biden and some allies like British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, by contrast, are focusing on the worst-case scenario to rally NATO and present a united Western front,” Singh said. According to him, the more Western leaders make such statements and the more often they do it, the higher the risk that one of them will deviate from the given scenario and politicians will begin to contradict each other. It will be especially difficult for Biden to stick to the given scenario, which will ultimately lead to even greater tension, the specialist suggested.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden called on Americans to leave Ukraine “now” and called the situation in the country extremely unstable. The US State Department also recommended that Americans leave Ukraine using commercial or other private modes of transport. The agency advised against traveling to the republic due to the allegedly increased threat of a military invasion from Russia, as well as because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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