Home » In Britain explained the success of Putin

In Britain explained the success of Putin

by alex

The Spectator spoke about the exposure of the West by Russian President Putin

Photo: Alexey Nikolsky / RIA Novosti

The British magazine The Spectator explained the success of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the international arena.

The piece, titled Why Putin Wins, argues that the Russian leader has denounced the West as a theoretical construct and relic of history. The authors of the article explained that now in the place of the united West there are separate European and North American countries, with which Russia has a different level of economic and political interaction.

As an example, the publication cites the situation in Ukraine, when “Putin proved that not a single Western country is eager to respond with military action to a blatant threat to a sovereign state.” In addition, the governments arguing among themselves cannot come to a common opinion and agreement on the issue of sanctions and interaction with Moscow, which only plays into the hands of the latter. Putin, on the other hand, uses two main forces – the army and his own diplomatic skills.

In January, Walter Mead, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, wrote that Putin's actions showed the failure of Western politicians and diplomats. According to him, the Russian leader is restoring the USSR under the nose of a helpless West, which is “lost in a narcissistic fog of pomposity and pomposity.”

The journalist expressed the opinion that it is Putin in the post-Soviet space who decides “who rules and who sheds tears.” “Until Western leaders emerge from the fog of post-historical illusions and restore the lost art of effective foreign policy, he will continue to make progress at our expense,” Mead concluded.

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