Home » In Belgium, two priests staged a gay orgy with drugs: one died, the other was arrested

In Belgium, two priests staged a gay orgy with drugs: one died, the other was arrested

by alex

69-year-old holy father and 60-year-old friend "were having a blast" right in the parish house: they sniffed poppers, threw ecstasy and had sex.

In Belgium, a British priest died after a night of sex and drugs with his Belgian colleague. The latter has already been arrested and is being questioned by the police.

CBS News reports on this.

The 69-year-old holy father and his 60-year-old friend were “let loose” right in the parish house: they sniffed poppers, threw ecstasy and resorted to sodomy.

At some point, the English guest became ill – a little after midnight, the Belgian priest called an ambulance, which was unable to resuscitate his companion.

“It appears that the two men used ecstasy and poppers together and had sexual intercourse. Two ecstasy tablets were also found,” the prosecutor's office.

The 60-year-old priest was questioned by an investigating judge and remanded in custody. He is accused of drug trafficking that led to death.

Pope Francis was in Belgium on Saturday and met with 17 victims of clergy sexual abuse. During the meeting, he said that the church “will offer all possible assistance” to help the victims.

As Рolitico recalls, more than 700 cases of clergy abuse of children have been registered in Belgium since 2012. Among the most outrageous episodes was the church's lenient attitude toward the Bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, who was allowed to retire in 2010 after admitting to sexually abusing his nephew. Pope Francis only defrocked the bishop earlier this year.

Recall that a high-profile sex scandal occurred in Poland due to priests and a male prostitute they invited to their “party”. When the sex worker lost consciousness, the clergy did not allow doctors to see him, which is why the police intervened.

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