Home » In Belarus, the activity of Russian helicopters is recorded: what is happening

In Belarus, the activity of Russian helicopters is recorded: what is happening

by alex

It is known about the activity of the Mi-24 and Mi-8 VKS of the Russian Federation.

Since the morning of March 9, the activity of Russian helicopters has been recorded in Belarus .

This is reported by “Belarusian Guyun”.

According to observers, Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces began to take off from the Machulishchi airfield at 09:39. It is known that 5 Russian helicopters (four Mi-24s and one Mi-8) that took off from Machulishchi landed at the Luninets airfield, and another Mi-8 helicopter went to the Lepelsky training ground.

“It is too early to talk about the redeployment of a group of helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces closer to the border with Ukraine, it is quite possible that we are talking about a training flight with a landing on another airfield,” writes Belarusian Gayun.

Later, the observers added that all 5 helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces (4 Mi-24 and 1 Mi-8) returned from the Luninets airfield to the Machulishchi airfield, where they landed between 12:25-12:35.

“As expected, apparently, it was a training flight with a landing at another airfield ,” the experts added.

Recall that new echelons with equipment and personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are arriving in Belarus. We are talking about about 450 military of the Russian Federation and at least 79 pieces of equipment. Analysts say that we are talking about the rotation of the military contingent of the RF Armed Forces.

The United States does not yet have intelligence data indicating the readiness of the Belarusian troops to join the war with the Russians against Ukraine. At the same time, the Lukashenka regime continues to provide the territory of the Republic of Belarus as a springboard for the invaders.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov believes that Alexander Lukashenko is doing everything to prevent Belarus from entering Russia's war against Ukraine. Zhdanov says that if Lukashenka entered the war, he would lose control of his army , the only pillar on which his power rests.

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