Home ยป In Belarus, enemy aircraft began to imitate MiG-31K takeoffs: what is their purpose

In Belarus, enemy aircraft began to imitate MiG-31K takeoffs: what is their purpose

by alex

Observers suggest that Su fighters imitate MiG-31K takeoffs.

Russian and Belarusian aviation in Belarus began to imitate the takeoffs of MiG-31K fighters, which are potential carriers of high-precision Kinzhal missiles, during takeoffs of other types of aircraft.

About this is reported by the monitoring group “Belarusian Gayun”, which monitors military activity.

“Yesterday, in the afternoon, we reported two group sorties of aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces from the Machulishchi airfield at 13 and 16 hours. These sorties had a number of oddities, which we later drew attention to (more obviously, they did not return to Machulishchi). One might think that the MIGs flew to the Russian Federation or fell into a swamp, but the situation is different, “observers noted judators.

They confirm that there really were sorties, but not MiGs. In particular, the fighters that took off from Baranovichi conducted training and imitation sorties at the airfield in Machulishchi. Su planes simulated the MiG-31K takeoff.

“Yesterday (February 10 – ed.) in the morning, a group of fighters flew in from Baranovichi to Machulishchi.During the day, these fighters were taking off from the Machulishchi airfield and the takeoff sound was very similar to MiG-31K and A-50 takeoffs. We believe that yesterday in Baranovichi on At the airfield in Machulishchi, training and simulation sorties were carried out, and, probably, the goal was to simulate the takeoff of the MiG-31K during the takeoff of a standard Su-type fighter, the group adds.

Recall that it was previously reported why the Belarusian army did not is fighting against Ukraine.Tikhanovskaya's adviser spoke about the plans of Putin and Lukashenko.

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