Home » In Bangladesh, a ferry with 500 passengers on board caught fire: there are dead and dozens of injured

In Bangladesh, a ferry with 500 passengers on board caught fire: there are dead and dozens of injured

by alex

The search and rescue operation continues, the work of emergency workers is complicated by heavy fog.

In Bangladesh on the night of Friday, December 24, a fire on a ferry in the Suganda River near the city of Jalokati killed at least 16 people and injured another 60.

Reported by Kaler Kantho.

It is noted that a search and rescue operation continues at the scene, the work of emergency workers is hampered by heavy fog.

According to the surviving passengers, the ship caught fire at about three in the morning local time. Some of the passengers managed to escape by jumping from the ferry into the water. Despite this, eyewitnesses say, many died. The exact number of victims is still unknown.

The passenger ship was returning to Barguna from Dhaka. The fire broke out in the engine room, and then spread throughout the boat.

“The engine of the MV Expedition-10 ferry (…) flared up in the Suganda River. The interior of the ferry burned to the ground. This morning, 16 bodies were found. However, the death toll is expected to rise,” the newspaper writes.

< p> According to preliminary data, at the time of the incident there were at least 500 passengers on board, including children, women and the elderly.

“I left the VIP cabin and saw that the ferry was on fire, – shared one of the surviving passengers. – Then his wife and son-in-law jumped into the river and swam to the shore in the severe frost. “

দাউ দাউ করে জ্বলছে আগুন। নদীতে নদীতে ঢাকা থেকে বরগুনাগামী এমভি ১০ -১০ নামক লঞ্চের ইঞ্জিন থেকে ভয়াবহ আগুন লাগে। লঞ্চের ভেতরে পুড়ে সব ছাই হয়ে গেছে। আজ সকালে ১৬ টি লাশ উদ্ধার হওয়ার খবরঀ শুক্রবার মৃতের সংখ্যা আশঙ্কা করছেন সংশ্লিষ্টরা … আজ শুক্রবার (২৪ শুক্রবার) শুক্রবার ৩ টার দিকে লঞ্চটিতে আগুন আগুন লাগে শুক্রবার শুক্রবার শুক্রবার

Posted by Kaler Kantho Thursday 23 December 2021

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