Home ยป In Austria, seriously ill patients were allowed to die, but not everything is so simple

In Austria, seriously ill patients were allowed to die, but not everything is so simple

by alex

Euthanasia is punishable by five years in prison.

< p> In Austria, the law on assisted suicide – the right to voluntarily end life for good cause – has come into force.

This is reported by ORF.

A law developed by the Austrian government Parliament adopted on December 17, 2021. According to its provisions, the right to assisted suicide is granted to adult capable citizens who have medical confirmation of a serious illness or condition.

To obtain permission for assisted suicide, a person must obtain permission from two doctors, one of whom must be a specialist in palliative care. medicine. This is followed by a 12-week “window” during which the person is given the opportunity to change his mind and refuse to die.

If the person has not changed his mind, he can purchase a medicine for suicide in a specialized pharmacy by notifying a lawyer or notary in advance. The names of such pharmacies will not be publicly announced.

The new law does not allow euthanasia, during which a doctor or other person injects a lethal drug to a patient at his request. This is punishable by five years in prison.

Recall that similar measures were taken by Germany , where the Constitutional Court lifted the ban on assisted suicide through private clinics. Prior to that, in Europe, assistance to seriously ill patients to die was allowed by law only in Belgium, Netherlands , Switzerland and Luxembourg.

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