Australia has passed a law requiring ISPs to help police hack social media accounts and apps, and spy on users. The law very quickly went through the stages of approval and now the police were able to control and even seize the accounts of users suspected of serious crimes without a court decision.
As the source notes with reference to the Australian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the law was adopted to bring the fight against drug trafficking, terrorism and other serious crimes to a new level. It is noted that under the law falls any crime for which imprisonment of three years or more is provided, and these may be acts that have nothing to do with crime or terrorism. Moreover, it will not be a court that will issue permits for such actions to the police, but the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia.
Many experts have already spoken out against the law and called this situation a way for the police to become a judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one. According to reports, both the wording and the mechanism of the law raises many questions about the appropriateness of its application.
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