Home » Immunologist spoke about the risk of death after recovering from coronavirus

Immunologist spoke about the risk of death after recovering from coronavirus

by alex

Immunologist Kryuchkov: after COVID-19 there is a risk of dying from stroke, heart attack or blood clot

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / Global Look Press

Immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov spoke about the risk of death after recovering from coronavirus for three categories of Russians. His words are reported by URA.RU.

In particular, the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, and those who have had a serious illness are at increased risks. According to Kryuchkov, they can die as a result of a stroke, heart attack or a detached blood clot. He explained that even after recovery, symptoms of COVID-19 persist, such as weakness, disorders of the heart, brain activity, nervous system, psyche. “And the worst thing is that it is progressing, and the body cannot compensate for it. Especially if the person is not undergoing intensive treatment, ”he said.

As a result, 3-4 months pass, and the person dies. Or a stroke, or a severe heart attack

Nikolay Kryuchkov Immunologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Kryuchkov drew attention to the fact that these deaths do not fall into the coronavirus statistics. At the same time, he suggested that if you do a population study, then “there will be many such events.” “This is what doctors hear. The man had been ill, recovered. Some time passes and he has some kind of serious event, ”added the immunologist.

Vaccination only

Earlier, the virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Altstein told about the timing of death from coronavirus. According to the expert, on average, death with COVID-19 occurs 3-4 weeks after infection. At the same time, one should not expect a high mortality rate or a severe course of the disease with the omicron strain, he suggested.

The number of cases with a severe course of the disease and a lethal outcome is reduced by vaccination, said Vladimir Dedkov, deputy director for scientific work of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Pasteur. “Perhaps the vaccine does not fully protect, but nevertheless, when a person becomes infected, his disease progresses more easily,” he said. Antibodies may not work 100 percent, he said, but vaccination is a way to avoid getting on mechanical ventilation (ALV).

Prior to that, a specialist in especially dangerous infections, an immunologist, doctor of medical sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov called for the introduction at the federal level of mandatory vaccination against coronavirus for Russians over 60 years old, since they are at risk with a severe course of the disease. According to the expert, by this age, certain diseases are already accumulating in people, which together can contribute to the severe course of the coronavirus.

“Scary” numbers

At the annual big press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin drew attention to the high mortality rate of patients with COVID-19 in the country. He noted that the reason for this is the low level of herd immunity and vaccinations. The head of state stressed that at the moment in Russia the level of collective immunity is 59.4 percent. “This is the result for you,” the president added.

59.4 percent the level of herd immunity in Russia

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education Gennady Onishchenko called mortality rates from COVID-19 in Russia “terrible.” Analyzing the data for December 17, he calculated that approximately every sixth death in the world per day was a Russian. “Losing a thousand people a day, having everything in order not only to die – not even to get sick, we somehow don’t appreciate it,” he concluded.

According to the latest data, over 10.3 million cases of coronavirus have been identified in Russia over the entire period. At the same time, 9.2 million people recovered, and 303,250 patients died. As of December 24, 24.9 thousand cases were recorded, 981 people died.

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