The coronavirus attacks the most vulnerable organs, including the brain. Therefore, complications after an illness can affect hearing and vision, explained in an interview with TASS, immunologist Vladislav Zhemchugov.
“Coronavirus damages the body in many ways, from the transport of oxygen by the blood, to the vessels and nerves in almost all organs. Where the virus finds the weakest point in the body, it will strike there, ”the specialist noted, adding that in this case the severity of complications will depend on the body of a particular patient.
The doctor recalled that medicine knows cases when not only hearing deteriorates, but also false sounds appear. In addition, after COVID-19, the sensitivity of body tissues can be impaired. It manifests itself in the form of burning, tingling and “creeping creeps”. He did not rule out Zhemchugov and complications in the eyes, up to blindness. In this case, the expert believes, it is necessary to take into account the patient's past injuries and illnesses.
Earlier, British doctors recorded cortical blindness as one of the complications of coronavirus. Despite the fact that the patient's pupils reacted normally to light, she completely lost her sight. In the course of treatment, it was partially restored – the woman began to distinguish the shapes and colors of objects. However, the violations remained serious.