Home » Ilya Kiva was promised a place in the occupation “authorities” in Ukraine: SMP found out the position

Ilya Kiva was promised a place in the occupation “authorities” in Ukraine: SMP found out the position

by alex

Kiva even met with the first deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko.

The liquidated traitor of Ukraine and former people's deputy Ilya Kiva was considered for the position of the so-called “governor” of the Kherson region. Now this post is “occupied” by collaborator Saldo.

Russian telegram channels write about this.

According to their reports, Kiva even met with the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko. According to media reports, one of the issues under discussion is appointment to the occupation “power” in Ukraine.

In addition, secret documents were found in his apartment, which contained information about the deployment of Russian troops on the left bank of the Dnieper.

Russian investigators are now looking into how Kiva obtained these secret documents and whether they ended up in the hands of the Ukrainian military.

We remind you that we previously reported high-profile details about where the traitor to Ukraine Ilya Kiva and his “prophetic” message were killed.

▶ On the TSN YouTube channel you can watch the video at this link: Kiva was killed in the forest! The former MP's partner shocked with her confession!

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