Home » “If you couldn’t learn at home”: in Poland they are outraged by Russian-speaking refugees and offer to teach them the Ukrainian language

“If you couldn’t learn at home”: in Poland they are outraged by Russian-speaking refugees and offer to teach them the Ukrainian language

by alex

In Poland, many Ukrainian refugees communicate there not in Ukrainian, but in Russian. In Poland, they are outraged by this and even offer to teach them their native language.

In Polanda discussion broke out over the language spoken by Ukrainian refugees, because they are convinced that after Ukrainian children return to their homeland, it is important to rebuild Ukraine in their native language.

This was stated by the Vice Marshal of Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship Miron Sych during the congress in Kazimierz Dolny, which was attended by Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin Artem Valakh, writes Ukrayina.pl.

Warsaw does not understand how it is possible to build Ukraine in the language of a terrorist country that destroys the homes of civilians and kills them.

“These children must return there to create a Ukrainian society. Both me and, perhaps, “It would be very important for all of us to build Ukraine anew in our native language. It is not clear to me how to create it in Russian. If they could not learn Ukrainian in the East of Ukraine, maybe they should study in Poland?” – said the Polish deputy and added, – “It is important to build Ukraine anew in the native language.”

In turn, the Minister of Education and Science of Poland, Przemysław Czarnek, stressed that the Ukrainian side should teach the Ukrainian language to people who come to Poland. He added that this can be done through various means, for example, those led by him ministry.

“I'm talking about public organizations and multi-generational education. You are ideal for this program. You can raise these funds and teach Ukrainian to children. In Poland, we must first of all make sure that these children are within the Polish education system, and in it, as you know, the Polish language is compulsory,” Czarnek said.

Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin Artem Valakh confirmed that the implantation of the Russian language for Ukraine is a problem. At the same time, he noted that there is a legal framework that confirms that Ukraine has one state language – Ukrainian.

Recall that in Poland, refugees from Ukraine will be provided with free apartments.

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