Home » If some “Girkin” tries to capture the administrative buildings, he will be shot without hesitation – Monastyrsky

If some “Girkin” tries to capture the administrative buildings, he will be shot without hesitation – Monastyrsky

by alex

In connection with the tense situation in the country, the Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrsky addressed the Ukrainians. He urged people not to panic and not be afraid, because all units responsible for the security of the country perform their duties in good faith.

“300,000 police officers, national guardsmen, border guards and rescuers daily serve to ensure the internal security of Ukraine,” the minister said. – Despite any statements, aggressive actions on the part of the Russian Federation, no one panics and is not afraid.

Everyone does their job for the peace of Ukrainians. Our armed forces , together with diplomats and intelligence officers, ensure the external security of Ukraine.

Denis Monastyrsky assured that the Ministry of Internal Affairs would not allow any separatist manifestations like those in the spring of 2014 in Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk and the repetition of Slavyansk.

– If any “girkin” tries to capture any buildings, he will be shot by our special forces without warning and without hesitation, – the minister said decisively.

How can each of you help?

First, stay calm.

Do not panic. It's not 2014 now. Ukraine has become stronger and more organized.

Secondly, everyone in his place must do the work that he does every day, so that schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and enterprises work.

— Dear citizens of Ukraine is strong and united! Everything will be fine! Glory to Ukraine! – Denis Monastyrsky finished his address.

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