Home » If certain “conditions” are met: Canada may send military instructors to Ukraine

If certain “conditions” are met: Canada may send military instructors to Ukraine

by alex

Canada's Minister of Defense spoke about the conditions for sending military instructors to Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage (Photos from public sources, screenshot of Channel 24)

Canada will consider the possibility of sending military instructors to Ukraine. It has become known under what conditions this is possible.

Canada plans to send military instructors to Ukraine if “certain conditions” are met. However, these conditions “do not yet exist.” This was stated by Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair.

Will Canada send military instructors

Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair noted that any Canadian military personnel will be sent to our country only to perform “non-combat” missions.

According to the Canadian Minister of Defense, conditions in Ukraine must “change” before Canadian troops can return to the country where they trained Ukrainian soldiers on site before the Russian invasion.

Now circumstances do not allow us to conduct exercises in Ukraine, but we are going to continue training,” the minister said.

It is known that Canada trained more than 40 thousand Ukrainian soldiers as part of Operation Unifier, which began in 2015 after the occupation of Crimea by Russia. However, following the Russian invasion, the Canadian military moved its training operations to the UK, Latvia and Poland.

“We have had a number of discussions with the Ukrainians who say that when conditions are right appropriate, we can return,” Blair said.

At the same time, the Canadian politician noted that the Canadian Armed Forces would not participate in any combat mission or “what could be perceived as a combat role.”

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