Home » Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China

Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China

by alex

Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China

Cold weather fell on China. The air temperature in the city of Mohe dropped to minus 44 degrees.

However, the inhabitants of the country were not afraid of frost. Thousands of tourists rushed to Heilongjiang Province for the sake of beautiful pictures. They arrange fireworks from boiling water – they spray hot water, which immediately freezes in the cold. The spectacle is very beautiful, which is why it has become so popular on social networks. There is even a flash mob called Dubak Challenge.

Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China

Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China

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    Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China

    Ice Age: 44-degree frosts in north China


    Mohe is called the Chinese Arctic city. In 1969, the temperature there dropped to minus 52 degrees.

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