Home » IAEA completes deployment of missions at Ukrainian nuclear power plants

IAEA completes deployment of missions at Ukrainian nuclear power plants

by alex

The International Atomic Energy Agency is completing the deployment of permanent missions to Ukrainian nuclear power plants. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmihal.

Shmigal said that today the IAEA is completing the deployment of permanent missions at Ukrainian nuclear power plants: Rivne, Chernobyl, South Ukrainian.

Aid and technical support missions

He noted that a mission at the Khmelnytsky NPP should be launched in the coming days. And he said that he coordinated with Grossi actions to ensure security at all nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Today I heard an assurance from Mr. Grossi that the IAEA will never recognize Russia's ownership of the Ukrainian plant,” Shmihal stressed. .

“We continue to work on the complete withdrawal of Russian troops and Rosatom personnel from the territory of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and the return of the station under the control of Ukraine,” the prime minister added.

By the way. On January 18, Shmygal met with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi.

Shmygal's meeting with Grossi: see photo

Major statements by the IAEA Chairman

  • Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ) Rafael Grossi stated that the decision to deprive Russia of the status of an IAEA member state does not depend on his will.
  • “In many bodies, which, like the IAEA, consist of many participants or members, political decisions are made during discussion, assessment and acceptance by all member countries,” Grossi said.
  • Several more positive steps have been taken in creating a security zone around the Zaporizhzhya NPP, now the discussion of this issue will take place in Kyiv in the coming days, Grossi said.
  • “We have taken a few more steps to come to good news and conclusions. We must protect these nuclear facilities, we must protect ourselves from any accidents with these objects,” the head of the IAEA said. He added that at the end of the war, this object must be operational in order to put it into operation.

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