Home » I switched to the green light: in Zaporozhye, a pensioner knocked down a minor girl

I switched to the green light: in Zaporozhye, a pensioner knocked down a minor girl

by alex

In Zaporozhye, the driver of a Renault mini-crossover hit an underage girl. The child is in intensive care.

The incident occurred on the evening of February 4 in the Shevchenko district of the city. At the intersection of Magistralnaya and Ivanov Streets, a Renault Captur car, ignoring the red light of the traffic light, ran over a girl born in 2004 at full speed.

At that time, she was just crossing the road at a green signal for pedestrians. As a result of the impact, the girl was thrown onto the asphalt, where she remained lying until the ambulance arrived.

The victim was hospitalized with serious head injuries. Whether she regained consciousness after the accident is not reported.

Переходила на зеленый свет: в Запорожье пенсионер сбил несовершеннолетнюю девочку

Переходила на зеленый свет: в Запорожье пенсионер сбил несовершеннолетнюю девочку

Переходила на зеленый свет: в Запорожье пенсионер сбил несовершеннолетнюю девочку

Переходила на зеленый свет: в Запорожье пенсионер сбил несовершеннолетнюю девочку

I switched to the green light: in Zaporozhye, a pensioner knocked down a minor girl / 2 photos

What the police say

The driver who hit a minor girl at a pedestrian crossing turned out to be a 67-year-old man.

He agreed to take a blood alcohol detection test, and its results confirmed that the man was sober at the time of the accident. The driver could not explain why he ignored the red light of the traffic light.

Criminal proceedings have been opened under Part 2 of Article 286 (Violation of traffic safety rules that caused serious bodily injuries) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

For the committed pensioner faces a penalty of imprisonment from three to eight years. Also, the court may additionally deprive him of his driver’s license for three years. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

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