Home » Hundreds of dead bodies in New York City pandemic left in refrigerators since spring

Hundreds of dead bodies in New York City pandemic left in refrigerators since spring

by alex

Hundreds of bodies of those who died during the coronavirus outbreak in spring 2020 are still stored in refrigerated trucks in the US state of New York. Writes about this The Wall Street Journal.

On the Brooklyn waterfront, 650 bodies of the deceased were left in the refrigerators of “mobile morgues.”

Many of the bodies belong to people whose families have not yet been found, or whose relatives cannot afford a proper burial, according to the New York City's Office of Senior Medical Examiner. Officials noted that it has not yet been possible to contact the relatives of about 230 of the dead.

Earlier in November, it was reported that improvised morgues in the form of refrigerated trucks were used to store corpses in the American Texas. Such refrigeration units were used for this purpose after the number of cases of COVID-19 in the state exceeded the 1.1 million mark.

For the first time, refrigerated trucks for the removal of bodies of the dead from COVID-19 and trailers with refrigeration units were seen in New York at the end of March. Officials then assumed that the situation could worsen, and there would not be enough space in additional morgues under construction. It was noted that such measures were last taken after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

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