Home » Human rights activist: Russia has never been punished for atrocities, cruelty is part of Russian culture

Human rights activist: Russia has never been punished for atrocities, cruelty is part of Russian culture

by alex

According to the human rights activist, Russian atrocities in Ukraine have become a verdict for the entire international system of peace and security.


Russia has been using war and war crimes for decades as a tool to achieve geopolitical interests. Russia has never been punished for them. Therefore, the establishment of peace is impossible without holding the Putin regime accountable.

This was stated by the head of the Ukrainian public organization “Center for Civil Liberties”, human rights activist Alexandra Matviychuk, informs FREEDOM.

“Russia has never been punished for all the atrocities committed in Chechnya, Moldova, Georgia, Mali, Syria, Libya and other countries of the world. They believe that they can do whatever they want. This cruelty has become part of Russian culture,” the human rights activist emphasized.

In her opinion, Russian atrocities in Ukraine have become a verdict for the entire international system of peace and security.

“Because this is not a war between two states. This is a war between two systems – authoritarianism and democracy,” Matviychuk believes.< /p>

She noted that Nazi war criminals were convicted at the Nuremberg trials only after the fall of the Nazi regime. The human rights activist notes that now it is impossible to wait.

“Justice must be independent of the scale of power of the Putin regime. We cannot wait. Right now we must create an international tribunal and bring Putin, Lukashenko and other war criminals to justice” , – notes the head of the Center for Civil Liberties.

Earlier, the Bundestag said that there would be no normal relations with Russia for decades, because “Putin is a criminal and a terrorist.”

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