Home ยป Huawei will be left without Samsung displays

Huawei will be left without Samsung displays

by alex

Huawei will be left without Korean-made smartphone displays. This was reported by Reuters with reference to the report of the South Korean edition of Chosun Biz.

Samsung Electronics and LG Display will stop shipping OLED screens for Huawei's premium smartphones, sources said. The breakdown of partnerships between Chinese and Korean companies is caused by tougher US sanctions against Huawei. Shipments of components for phones will stop on Tuesday, September 15, when new US Department of Commerce restrictions take effect.

Representatives of LG Display, speaking to the press, said that the termination of cooperation will not greatly affect the business of the Korean company due to the limited share of supplies. The OLED display maker noted that it will still look for new partners and sales markets. Samsung representatives declined to comment on the topic.

According to Reuters experts, the forced severance of relations with Huawei will not do much harm to Korean manufacturers. In particular, both companies have much larger customers, such as Apple.

Earlier it became known that the last processors that TSMC will release for Huawei will be the Kirin 9000 series chips. Due to the US sanctions, the Chinese corporation decided to invest in a subsidiary company HiSilicon, which is expected to launch the production of processors. Analysts believe that the sanctions on Huawei could be lifted if the current head of the United States, Donald Trump, is not elected for a new presidential term.

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