Home » How was Dostoevsky's 200th birthday celebrated in Monaco?

How was Dostoevsky's 200th birthday celebrated in Monaco?

by alex

How was Dostoevsky's 200th birthday celebrated in Monaco? What kind of stamp was issued according to the drawing of Georgy Shishkin.

Shishkin is the author of 30 postage stamps of the principality, including a dedication to P. Tchaikovsky, A. Chekhov, B. Pasternak and others. The artist was born in Sverdlovsk, has lived in Monaco and Paris for 25 years. “I was fortunate enough to touch the roots of Russian culture, which have grown into the history of the principality of Monaco. This, for example, a meeting with Tatyana Vasilchikova – her great-great-grandfather was the director of the Hermitage in the era of Alexander III, Gogol taught Russian history at the Vasilchikov estate, and she herself communicated with Picasso, Leger, Matisse, ”says Georgy Shishkin.

How was Dostoevsky's 200th birthday celebrated in Monaco?

According to him, the work on the sketch was not easy: “It was important to come up with a composition. For this, I re-read and listened to all of his works. Made three options, chose the third. And he also noticed: you draw, draw – and suddenly you notice that Dostoevsky is glaring at you. As if testing you! But on the whole it is very pleasant that the great Russian writer is known and honored in Monaco. “

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