Home ยป How to end the war in Ukraine: Scholz came up with a “peace plan”, and Trump voiced his own – all the details

How to end the war in Ukraine: Scholz came up with a “peace plan”, and Trump voiced his own – all the details

by alex

Scholz plans to go down in history as the “chancellor of peace”, using the war in Ukraine to regain his own lost positions.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he is preparing a “peace plan” for Ukraine, which has already caused indignation among Ukrainians. Zelensky said that Ukraine will present Biden, Trump and Harris with a detailed plan for winning the war. Trump also spoke, he finally voiced the same “method” of how he will allegedly stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours.

All the details are in the TSN.ua exclusive.

Talk about a “peace plan” has intensified again

Loud talk about a “peace plan” has stirred again. This time, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a statement and said that he is also preparing a “peace plan” for Ukraine, but there is a big one, but in this Scholz's plan. They say that one of the conditions is that the Russian Federation retains the previously captured Ukrainian territories. This is reported by the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.


The article notes that Scholz plans to go down in history as the “chancellor of peace” by using the war in Ukraine to regain his own lost positions.

“Stunned by the devastating election results in Thuringia and Saxony and haunted by increasingly persistent rumors that a possible defeat in Brandenburg on September 22 could force him to take a step back, the chancellor decided to play the Ukrainian card to get out of the impasse.”

What Scholz has in mind?

Thus, the German chancellor decided to prepare a plan with some of his party comrades to “sort of Minsk agreements” that would provide for the possibility of transferring part of Ukrainian territory to Moscow. At the same time, the source notes that “the chancellor wants to bend Ukraine at any cost.”

In addition, Scholz said that now is the time to start discussing peace in Ukraine. He noted that he discussed this issue with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, with whom he has “good” relations.

New statement from Trump

But that's not all, US presidential candidate Donald Trump also made a statement, he has been shouting throughout his election campaign that he will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Earlier, at the request of the Voice of America, the headquarters of US presidential candidate Donald Trump said that the priority of his potential second term would be a speedy end to the war between Russia and Ukraine, but European countries should make a greater contribution to supporting security.

President Trump has repeatedly said that a key priority of his second term will be to negotiate an end to the Russia-Ukraine war as quickly as possible. our taxpayers”, the message says.

What the Trump campaign says about Trump?

As noted in the letter, Trump “will do everything necessary to restore peace and re-establish American strength and deterrence on the world stage.” The campaign calls Trump “the only person” who can end the Russian war against Ukraine, and notes that it would not have started if he were president.

And in June 2024, two of Trump's advisers presented him with a plan to end the Russian war against Ukraine. It envisages that if elected US president, Trump can stop the supply of military aid to Ukraine if it refuses peace talks, Moscow will be warned that any refusal to negotiate will lead to increased support Kyiv.

However, there were no specifics. And now the other day Donald Trump has finally named the same method by which he allegedly will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. So, Trump's plan is to reduce energy prices by half or more within 12 months of taking office.

“Putin will not be able to fight with oil at $40. Literally that same night, as it becomes known about my victory, I will call two people: Putin and Zelensky. We will conclude an agreement within 24 hours”, – the message says.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also made a loud statement. During his traditional evening address to Ukrainians, the head of state said that Ukraine would present Biden, Trump and Harris with a detailed plan for winning the war.

What is known about the Second Peace Summit?

It is also worth recalling that the Second Peace Summit is scheduled to take place this year. Incidentally, the leaders of 101 states and international organizations gathered for the first one, which took place in Switzerland. It was previously reported that the second meeting is planned to be held in November, that is, before the US elections.

But whether this will happen is currently unknown, as is which country will host the Second Summit. And if Russia was not even invited to the first one, everyone wants to see Russian representatives at the second one. In particular, this was noted during one of the briefings at the end of August by MFA spokesman Georgy Tikhy.

“It should be clear to everyone that Ukraine never started this war and strives for peace, like every other country. But we understand that this must be a fair peace“, he noted.

Will Russia?

He added that the issue is not only about getting Russia to the negotiating table, but also about it conducting these negotiations virtuously. Therefore, in this context, two factors are important: pressure on the battlefield and pressure in the international arena.

According to him, now former Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba discussed the issue of the Peace Summit, including with the Chinese side – in Guangzhou.

“We invited China to take part in the interim meetings that will take place on the eve of the Summit. Just as we offer all peace-loving countries that respect the UN Charter, and invite them to participate in these interim meetings“, he said.

Russia will not be?

But just as the date of the meeting is unknown, it is also unknown whether Russia will attend. After all, in July 2024, Russia declared that they would not participate in the second Peace Summit, because, supposedly, this event has “ultimatum” rhetoric. Kiev explains such actions of Moscow by the unpreparedness of the Russian Federation for negotiations. This was stated by the chairman of the parliamentary committee on foreign policy, MP from “Servant of the People” Oleksandr Merezhko in a commentary to LIGA.net.

The fact that Russia refuses to take part in the summit is another indicator that it is not interested in peace and compliance with international law,” he said.

How the Russian Federation justifies its decision?

Setko says Moscow is not ready for dialogue because the Kremlin still lives under the illusion of victory in the war against Ukraine. He believes that China could force Russian “Fuhrer” Vladimir Putin to change his mind about the talks. However, Beijing does not want to do this either.

“Putin may sit down at the negotiating table when he begins to feel more strongly that he is losing both on the battlefield and politically, that is, when he feels that his isolation is increasing. For him, negotiations can only be valuable as a means of saving himself”, the report noted.

Statement by the representative of the Russian Federation

Well, in fact, the fact that the Russian Federation will not participate in the new Peace Summit was also stated in July by Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin, the reason being the “ultimatum” rhetoric of this event, which allegedly ignores “other initiatives to resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict conflict”.

Galuzin said that, supposedly, the content of the event is “understandable” to them – taking into account the “Zelensky formula”. At the same time, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently said that he had agreed with the President of Ukraine on the participation of the Russian Federation in the second Peace Summit.

Therefore, whether Russia will come is a question, levers of influence will probably still be found, and knowing Russia and the intentions of the Kremlin dictator, they are unlikely to stop at the animal desire to kill Ukrainians. Stopping this war without ultimatums or the language of force is unlikely to ever be possible.

At the same time, Russia and all Russian criminals must answer for every death of a Ukrainian, the deportation of children, the murder of our soldiers on camera, looting, and this list is endless.

We also wrote that, in particular, thanks to the new peace plan for Ukraine, Scholz plans to go down in history as the “chancellor of peace”, using the war in Ukraine to regain lost positions.

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