Home » How the West Should Respond to Iran's Possible Transfer of Ballistics to Russia

How the West Should Respond to Iran's Possible Transfer of Ballistics to Russia

by alex

How the West should respond to the possible transfer of ballistics from Iran to Russia Anzhelika Galesevich

Russia could have received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran. Ukrainian allies must give a comprehensive response, which has already been discussed many times.

Worry and words like “Iran is so bad” will not help in this situation. Political scientist, president of the analytical center “Politics” Oleg Lesnoy explained how the West should respond in a conversation with 24 Channel.

Will Ukraine receive a thorough response from the West

According to the political scientist, Ukraine must defend itself from the possible transfer of Iranian ballistics to Russia with the methods and capabilities it has. An adequate response is obvious, it has been stated many times.

Our partners, primarily the United States, must provide the means and permission to strike primarily at Russian strategic aviation at a long distance and exclusively at military facilities that have an impact on the war with Ukraine.

This is an adequate response. However, we will see concerns and facts, like, “Iran is such a scoundrel, helping Russia,” noted Oleg Lesnoy.

Of course, Ukraine is grateful for the assistance provided by its allies. But it must be enough not just to stand, but to survive. Unfortunately, this volume does not add up yet.

Note! The Times journalists claim that Russia has managed to obtain more than 200 missiles. Pavel Lakiychuk, head of security programs at the Strategy XXI Center for Global Studies, suggested that these could be unguided aircraft missiles for the Grad MLRS or analogues of the Russian Iskanders. In his opinion, the Russians want to increase the number of strikes and combine them with the use of more effective weapons.

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