Home » How the Slavs in the USA were recognized as “colored”

How the Slavs in the USA were recognized as “colored”

by alex

The topic of racial discrimination in the United States is given special attention. This time, many were surprised by a new study by the University of Portland, a study on discrimination against Slavs and immigrants from the former USSR in the United States.

Especially interesting is the fact that the Slavs were recognized as “colored”. This is explained in an article posted on the state government website.

“It is a bit unusual to view the Slavic community as a community of people of color, since traditionally the community is considered white, and in all the databases reviewed for this study, the community is included in the“ white. ”So why do we hold a different opinion?

The fact is that the Slavic community in the United States is facing the same forms of discrimination as Poles, Irish and Italians did many generations ago. These communities struggled with linguistic and social problems with language, had difficulties with education and work.

The Slavic community also faces serious obstacles to equality. “- the study says.

For these reasons, the network of social organizations “Coalition of Colored Communities” officially recognized the Slavic community

as “colored”.

“The experience of the Slavic community is very similar to that of other 'colored'. Previous waves of immigrants from the former Soviet Union are known to have tried to 'equalize' with other European immigrants to the United States for five years after arriving in the country.” report.

At the same time, the experts examined in detail all the social difficulties that arise among the Slavs living in America. Other “whites” in the United States do not face such problems, so the Slavic community should be defined as “colored”, according to sociologists at Portland University.

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