Home ยป How Soviet cosmonauts quarreled over alcohol

How Soviet cosmonauts quarreled over alcohol

by alex

Soviet cosmonauts Pyotr Klimuk and Vitaly Sevastyanov quarreled over a bottle of alcohol, and how it happened, they told in the magazine “Russian space”, published by “Roscosmos”. RIA Novosti drew attention to the story.

In 1975, the cosmonauts quarreled right at the Salyut-4 orbital station over a bottle of alcoholic tincture. The fact is that in order to maintain immunity, there was a small plastic bottle of Eleutherococcus tincture in the on-board first-aid kit. They divided its contents evenly: they drank half of it at the beginning of the flight, and left the other part for the last, in order to more easily adapt to the Earth.

The planned duration of the expedition was two weeks, but then it was decided to extend it to 35 days. Therefore, Klimuk and Sevastyanov decided to use up the reserves remaining in the bottle, but when they opened it, there were no more than 50 grams inside.

“Everyone suspected that his colleague had drunk the life-giving balm, and both closed in. They practically stopped talking, harboring resentment against each other.”

So they did not communicate for several days. The first could not stand Sevastyanov, who offered Klimuk to finish the rest. When he opened the bottle, there was only a nasty bitter concentrate at the bottom, and the alcohol evaporated through the plastic.

We remind you that the use of alcohol and other volatile compounds on space stations is strictly prohibited. Because alcohol vapors can interfere with the operation of the water recovery system and disable equipment.

Earlier it was reported that Roskosmos is considering the possibility of sending two tourists to the ISS on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

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