Home ยป How much will gas delivery cost in 2025: how to calculate it yourself

How much will gas delivery cost in 2025: how to calculate it yourself

by alex

And you didn't forget to pay for gas? If you miss the payment, which is usually made from the 1st to the 5th of each month, you will be charged in the following bills debt.

This is especially important to do in October, since the amount of gas delivery fees for the entire 2025 depends on the meter readings provided by consumers this month.

Will the price of gas change and how to calculate its delivery

The cost of a cubic meter of gas in the winter of 2024-2025 will not change. At least until the end of April next year for the population (Nafogaz clients — there are more than 98% of them) it will cost 7.96 UAH.

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The annual price offers of other gas suppliers will also not change, but monthly prices may fluctuate depending on market trends.

There are currently 9 suppliers on the gas market, 4 of which offer both an annual fixed price and a monthly price that can change. Another 5 companies offer only an annual price.

The cost of a cubic meter within the annual tariffs, depending on the gas supply company, ranges from 7.79 to 9.99 UAH. And the monthly (market) price is in the range from 8.46 to 19.99 UAH per cubic meter.

As for the price of blue fuel delivery during the next year, it is important to transmit the gas meter readings on time, especially in October.

GazPravda explained that the so-called gas year ends in September, and it is the volume consumed from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 that will determine how much you will pay for delivery in 2025.

Accordingly, to independently find out the cost of blue fuel delivery, it is enough to simply multiply the consumed the volume of fuel for the specified period at the rate of your distribution company, and then divide by 12 — that is, the number of months.

The rate itself, by the way, does not change during the war. Therefore, the change in the amount in the gas delivery bills will depend only on your consumption.

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