Home » How much did Ukraine and Poland lose due to blocking of the border by farmers: Ambassador Zvarych said

How much did Ukraine and Poland lose due to blocking of the border by farmers: Ambassador Zvarych said

by alex

~6 0~p>It is Russia that is pursuing a dumping policy and using the food market as a hybrid weapon for aggression against Ukraine.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Vasily Zvarych appealed to Polish farmers to stop the groundless and harmful border blocking for our friendly countries, because it is not Ukraine or its agricultural products that are the source of the Poles’ problems. It has already lost about 2 billion zlotys as a result of the blockade. Meanwhile, these protests cause no less harm to Poland.

Zvarich wrote about this on the social network Facebook.

“The truth is that it is not Ukraine or its agricultural products that are the source of your problems. Ukraine does not influence world food prices. Prices are determined on world exchanges, where Russia plays an active role. It is Russia that pursues dumping policies and uses the food market as a hybrid weapon The goals of aggression against Ukraine It is Russia that is consistently trying to destabilize the world and European markets, weaken the economies of both Ukraine and European countries, and also create anti-Ukrainian sentiments in order to explode the solidarity of Europe with Ukraine,” the ambassador noted.

He called on Polish farmers not to be misled and not to succumb to propaganda aimed at “sowing the seeds of hatred towards everything Ukrainian in the community.”

“Do not allow yourself to continue to be used to weaken Ukraine, which is fighting our common enemy. Due to the ongoing border blockade, Ukraine is already seriously weakened, the Ukrainian economy has already lost approximately 2 billion zlotys as a result of the blockade. Under Russian conditions aggression is a serious blow to the defense of my country, and therefore also a blow to the security of Poland,” the ambassador explained.

Moreover, due to the border blockade, the Polish economy is also losing. The border blockade seriously interferes with Poland's trade with Ukraine, which amounted to approximately 13 billion euros in 2023, more than double the volume of Ukrainian exports to Poland.

The problems of the Polish economy associated with the restriction of Polish exports to Ukraine will also have a negative impact on the daily life of Poles.

According to the ambassador, the unjustified blocking of the border with Ukraine does not benefit either Poland and Polish farmers in particular, or Ukraine and its defense capability. The blockade of Ukraine in the context of Russian aggression is beneficial only to Russia, which is enriched by increasing the export of agricultural and food products to the European market.

The foreign ministers of Ukraine and Poland Dmitry Kuleba and Radoslaw Sikorski discussed the results of the meeting of leaders in Paris, ways to increase arms supplies and resolve the situation on the border. According to Kuleba, the heads of departments focused on ways to increase arms supplies to Ukraine.

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