Home ยป How many Ukrainian refugees are already working in Poland and what job offers are they looking for: survey results

How many Ukrainian refugees are already working in Poland and what job offers are they looking for: survey results

by alex

In Poland, they note that Ukrainian women take up work and quickly adapt to the conditions of the European Union.

Work in Poland was found by 84% of able-bodied Ukrainians who left for a neighboring country due to a full-scale attack by the Russian Federation.

This is evidenced by the data of the survey “Military refugees from Ukraine. A year in Poland.”

Almost a quarter (27%) of employed refugees found work within the first month of their arrival in Poland. Another 34% got a job within 1-3 months after their arrival in Poland.

In addition, another 38% of Ukrainians surveyed changed employers in a year. According to the survey, refugees are looking for job offers that are more in line with their skills and qualifications, in particular through learning the Polish language and vocational training.

“Such a high level of employment among Ukrainians already in the first months of their stay in Poland testifies not only to their determination to get a job, but also to the openness of Polish entrepreneurs to new employees, as well as the needs of the Polish market and economy,” said Andrzej, Chairman of the Board of the EWL Migration Platform. Corkus.

The authors of the study believe that this result indicates the high efficiency of the implemented systemic solutions by the Polish government (for example, a simplified employment procedure for refugees from Ukraine), significant support from employers in integrating refugees into the Polish labor market, and the desire of Ukrainians themselves to work.

“We are dealing with a situation where a large number of Ukrainians working in Poland does not deprive Poles of work, but reduces unemployment. These are very interesting conclusions that the relevant ministries should analyze for our social policy. I am very pleasantly surprised, I did not expect such good results “, – says the head of the office of the Prime Minister of Poland, Marek Kuchcinski.

He noted that if in such a short time so many Ukrainians, mostly women, take up work, that is, adapt to the conditions of the European Union, this may mean that Ukrainians are already ready to very quickly meet all the standards required by the European Union, not only mentally. According to him, Poland needed several years for this.

“I believe that in the case of Ukraine, it is primarily about administrative procedures, establishing the work of administrations, and not about the social factor,” Marek Kukhtsinsky added.

The survey “Military refugees from Ukraine. A year in Poland” was conducted by the EWL Migration Platform, the EWL Foundation and the Center for Eastern European Studies of Warsaw University on February 10-16, 2023, commissioned by the Office of the Prime Minister of Poland. In total, 400 citizens of Ukraine who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022 were interviewed in 34 Polish cities.

By the way, according to the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, about 900 thousand citizens of Ukraine have found jobs in Poland under simplified procedures.

According to data from the Polish Border Service, since February 24, 2022, about 10 million refugees have crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border. About 1.5 million received temporary protection in Poland.

Recall that in Poland the demand for workers with specialized education and knowledge of the Ukrainian language has increased tenfold . This trend is primarily associated with the opening of Ukrainian companies or their branches abroad.

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