Home » How long will the Russian war against Ukraine last: an American political scientist made a forecast for Time

How long will the Russian war against Ukraine last: an American political scientist made a forecast for Time

by alex

The West may offer Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky something “in exchange for his willingness to start bargaining with Putin.”

The stalemate in Russia's war against Ukraine will last at least a year.

This opinion was expressed in his column in Time by Ian Bremmer, an American political scientist of Armenian-German origin and a lecturer at Columbia University.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive has made little progress, as have Russian counterattacks, but the Kremlin still controls “approximately 18 percent of Ukraine's territory,” he said.

At the same time, the political scientist noted that Russia has increased its own production of missiles and ammunition and is constantly receiving significant material support from North Korea and Iran, while in Western countries there are growing “concerns that US and European taxpayers are financing a deadlock that is becoming increasingly expensive “.

Jan Bremmer emphasized that the Ukrainian authorities cannot give up the occupied territories to the Russian Federation, for the defense of which tens of thousands of soldiers died. But he expressed the opinion that the West could offer Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky something “in exchange for his willingness to start bargaining with Putin.”

Among such proposals, the political scientist considers a likely promise to finance the complete reconstruction of the country, in particular, through frozen Russian assets, as well as guaranteed accession to the EU and full membership in NATO with guarantees of protection.

However, the expert noted that the situation may change if Donald Trump wins the US presidential elections next November. Therefore, the stalemate in the war, in his opinion, will last at least a year.

The fact that the war will not end until the end of 2023 has become obvious to all Ukrainians. European politicians and military experts began to make new assumptions. How long will the war with Russia last, what are they saying about it in Ukraine and the world, read on TSN.ua.

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