Home » “How can Ukraine not lose in the war with the Russian Federation”: Trump shocked with a statement in response to Putin’s “compliment”

“How can Ukraine not lose in the war with the Russian Federation”: Trump shocked with a statement in response to Putin’s “compliment”

by alex

The odious Donald Trump once again stirred up the network with his scandalous statement.

In an interview with one of the Russian propagandists, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, that he wants to see Joe Biden at the head of the White House. Former US President Donald Trump made an unexpected response statement. The odious politician, often accused of sympathizing with Putin, said that he knows how to help Ukraine not lose in the war with the Russian Federation.

What “compliment” did Putin give to Trump, what did he say in response and how this could “accelerate” the end of the war – exclusive TSN.UA.

The Internet exploded due to Trump's statement

The odious Donald Trump once again stirred up the network with his scandalous statement. During his election tour in the state of South Carolina, the 45th president of America, repeatedly accused of playing along with the Kremlin, said that he knows how to help Ukraine. Moreover, he can supposedly do more to protect Ukraine than current President Joseph Biden! His words are reported by The New York Times

Speaking at a campaign event in North Charleston, South Carolina, Trump said that during a Biden presidency, Putin “will get everything he wants, including Ukraine. It's a gift. He has a gift.”

Watch on the TSN YouTube channel: Trump suddenly took the side of Ukraine! What did Putin slam, what does Biden have to do with it and when will the end of the war?

Then Trump — who often speaks positively of Putin, calling him an authoritarian strongman, and who acknowledged in his speech that they had found common ground — repeated himself, saying Biden was “going to give” Ukraine to Putin.

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A few minutes later, from the same podium, during the same speech, Trump made another scandalous statement, commenting on Putin’s recent interview with Russian propagandists, in which the dictator admitted who he would like to see at the head of the United States.

Trump was literally delighted with Putin’s statement and even called it a “compliment” addressed to him.

“Russian President Putin just gave me a big compliment. He just said that he would like to see Joe Biden as president, not Trump. That's a compliment. A lot of people said, 'Oh, God, that's very bad.' No, no, that's good “,” the message said.

Trump was puzzled by the statement

And Trump didn’t stop there. According to him, it was during his presidency that America effectively supported Ukraine, in particular, it imposed sanctions against Nord Stream 2, which Biden lifted in 2021.

Despite numerous concerns of Ukrainians, when Trump became the 45th President of the United States in 2016, Washington’s policy towards Ukraine did not change for the worse, but on the contrary. During his presidency, Ukraine received its first deliveries of lethal weapons – Dzhevelin anti-tank missile systems. By the way, they still remain effective weapons, having already destroyed hundreds of units of racist equipment.

But why then is Trump considered pro-Russian? According to American media reports, it is Donald Trump, through his weight in the Republican Party, who is right now blocking the allocation of aid to Ukraine in the US Congress. The $60 billion has been hanging in the air since at least November 2023, and without it, Ukraine is finding it increasingly difficult to fight. In addition, since the beginning of 2024, due to the unvoted budget, the Pentagon has not allocated a single penny to Ukraine.

Who does Trump “drown” for

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Trump has been perhaps the only famous American politician who allows himself to praise Putin. In May 23, Trump admitted that he once found a common language with Putin and said that he could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours.

“If I were president, I would end this war, and it would take 24 hours. I know Zelensky well. I know Putin well. I can finish it for this time… 100%,” Trump said.

These words caused a great reaction in the media. Even President Zelensky did not remain silent and reminded Trump who will decide the fate of the Ukrainian people and its territories.

“You know me that I am an absolutely frank person, and I will definitely be able to say this after the meeting. And I will tell you honestly – if its format or its formula leads to peace, and 24 hours is really enough for it, then I will be a very happy president. Very happy. Because I know how many people we lose per day. I know how much it costs. Therefore, I will be happy if someone shows how to end the war in 24 hours,” the message says.

And Trump’s scandalous statements are not limited to this. Let me remind you that Trump actively criticized NATO even during his presidency. In his opinion, the Alliance does not justify itself, and all its members are simply hanging on the neck of the United States.

Trump against NATO

At one time, Trump even called for leaving the Alliance. Now, as Bloomberg reports, he has publicly promised not to defend NATO allies. On February 14, even NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had to put out the fire. He asked the ex-President of the United States on camera not to rock the boat.

“NATO's idea and focus is to prevent war… Any suggestion that we will not protect each other undermines our security“.- says Stoltenberg.

NATO may fall apart

This did not stop Trump and on February 15 he continued to “bomb” NATO! He repeated his words at a rally in South Carolina. Bloomberg subsequently published an article describing the radical steps that Trump will take once he regains his seat in the Oval Office.

In addition, according to journalists, Trump is considering the possibility of reducing commitments to some NATO members. Trump's allies have discussed a two-tier NATO alliance where Article 5, requiring joint defense of anyone under attack, would apply only to countries that have met defense spending targets. No political decisions have been made yet. And others advocate new tariffs for countries lagging behind in the defense component. alliance that has shaped European security since the Cold War, and will worry allies in Asia about Washington’s commitment to confronting China,” Bloomberg journalists write.

Recall that the former President of the United States of America Donald Trump, , who is seeking to retake this post in the November elections, called Vladimir Putin’s statement as a compliment. that it is better for Russia that Joe Biden remains in the White House.

Former US President Donald Trump is pushing for loan aid to Ukraine as further support remains stalled in Congress.

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