Home » How Akhmetov's exit will affect the media market and what will happen to his channels: Detectormedia's answer

How Akhmetov's exit will affect the media market and what will happen to his channels: Detectormedia's answer

by alex

What awaits Rinat Akhmetov's channels/collage 24 channels

Now the holding is massively dismissing employees. But this does not mean that Akhmetov no longer owns the rights to a huge library of content, including prime ministers who did not have time to appear.

This was told to Channel 24 by the director of the NGO “Detectormedia” Galina Petrenko. She also noted that she does not know what Rinat Akhmetov was up to, but it is too early to say that we will no longer see him in the media plane.

Their statement should be read correctly as follows: they returned the licenses and therefore their assets ceased to be media, says Galina Petrenko.

“Plus, it is not clear what will happen to the business in Warsaw. After all, they opened a studio in the capital during the war Poland and very much concealed it. As of the moment, there are no comments regarding the fate of this foreign studio, “the director of the Detectormedia NGO notes.

Probably, part of Akhmetov's media business was relocated abroad, he says she.

Unrest in the statements of Akhmetov's media group

Since the press service of the Ukraina media group was absolutely unaware of the decision to withdraw SCM from the Ukrainian market, they could simply do their routine work and write this press release and publish it, the public figure notes. It is indeed possible that these versions are about the transition to Poland and are simply versions that happened by mistake.

But it’s hard for me to believe that the richest man in Ukraine, who conditionally lost half of his capital, that he will give up media assets in any format, explains Galina Petrenko.

According to Galina Petrenko, Akhmetov still owns the Oll platform .tv, which does not fall under the “media” classification, so we need to wait a little longer.

What will happen next with Akhmetov's channels

A media expert also commented on this topic Natalya Ligacheva. According to her, as far as we know, this decision was completely unexpected, no one thought about such a step by Akhmetov. This was a surprise for both management and authorities.

“Therefore, I think that this is a precedent that will affect other processes that will take place in the media. In particular, it is interesting how the work will be carried out over the Law “On Media”, which we must adopt, having received the status of a candidate for EU membership,” he says. media expert.

These channels not only broadcast the telethon, the Ukraine and Ukraine24 team continues to produce it, they informed the Ministry of Culture that they will continue to work with this slot only until the end of the week.

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