Home » Honored teacher appreciated the words of the HRC member about the experiment on Teplyakova

Honored teacher appreciated the words of the HRC member about the experiment on Teplyakova

by alex

Teacher Snegurov urged to use Teplyakova's stop at Moscow State University as a last resort

Alisa Teplyakova. Frame: Channel One / YouTube

Proposals to end the studies of nine-year-old Alisa Teplyakova at the psychology department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University may lead to a radical reaction from her father, so you should not recommend it to him. So the words of a member of the Human Rights Council (HRC) Alexander Asmolov about the need to end the “dangerous experiment” on a nine-year-old student in a conversation with “Lenta.ru” were assessed by the Honored Teacher of Russia, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Alexander Snegurov.

The father is prone to radical measures, so radical proposals will cause his radical reaction. There is no need to feed it with proposals of this kind. It is necessary to act smoothly and with psychological restraint, but at the same time seeing the “red lines”. And if the separation from the university happens, then only in the case of radical actions of the father, who violates the norm. Or with a steady desire of the girl to leave. However, this should be exactly the child's steady desire.

Alexander Snegurov Honored Teacher

According to the teacher, stopping Teplyakova's studies at the university should be a last resort. Before, Alice has to study for at least six months with the support of teachers and on the condition that her “father’s antics” will not continue.

Earlier, Alexander Asmolov called on the head of the HRC Valery Fadeev, the human rights ombudsman in Russia Tatyana Moskalkova and the ombudsman for children Maria Lvova-Belova to sort out the situation with Teplyakova and suspend the “dangerous experiment” with the girl's education at Moscow State University. In turn, Yevgeny Teplyakov said that Asmolov's request did not meet ethical requirements.

On December 21, it became known about the attack of Yevgeny Teplyakov on the head of the department during the exam of his daughter. The incident took place right in front of Alice.

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