Home » Honor spoke about the future without Huawei

Honor spoke about the future without Huawei

by alex

Honor intends to compete with Huawei and use the services of foreign partners. The CEO of the company, George Zhao, spoke about this in an interview with SCMP.

Zhao stated that the brand's primary mission is to create flagship devices that will compete with Apple and Huawei products in China. When asked by a journalist whether the competition with the former parent corporation Huawei was imaginary, the entrepreneur objected: “We have already competed as two brands under the wing of one company.” At the same time, he noted that it was impossible to destroy such a strong rival as Huawei.

In a conversation with the publication, Zhao confirmed that after receiving the status of an independent company, Honor was freed from US sanctions and has the right to work with foreign partners, including American ones. The company executive said Honor has already reached an agreement with Intel, AMD and Qualcomm. In the future, the corporation intends to conclude a cooperation agreement with Google – at the moment the parties are negotiating. At the same time, Zhao did not specify whether smartphones sold outside of China will receive Google services.

“This is not my forte,” Zhao remarked when a reporter asked him to comment on the imposition of sanctions against Huawei and Honor in 2019. However, the top manager said that the US has no reason to impose restrictions on “a typical consumer electronics firm.”

The leader of Honor also said that the flagship V40 (View 40) presented at the beginning of the year proved to be very popular in the market. “The View 40 sold out in four minutes on major e-commerce platforms including Tmall, JD.com, Suning.com and our online store,” the entrepreneur said.

Earlier it became known that Google services will return to Honor smartphones. Sources in the company announced the release of new brand devices on the European market in the spring. The lifting of US restrictions on Honor was made possible after the sale of the company to the Chinese consortium Shenzhen Zhixin New Information Technology Co in November.

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