Home » Home office: company data connection for professional use only

Home office: company data connection for professional use only

by alex

WKO emphasizes that remuneration depends on the proportion of private use.

Working in the home office and, thanks to the newly created rules, securing the streaming TV program in the evening for free in one wash is not an option. The Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) emphasized on Thursday that although employers must provide the digital work equipment for the home office, including the data connection, the prescribed remuneration depends, among other things, on the proportion of private use.

“How high the remuneration is depends on many factors and is different from case to case,” explained Rolf Gleißner, head of the social policy and health department in the WKÖ in a broadcast. “Because it depends on the actual costs Share of private use of these funds, any overpayments for certain purposes, et cetera. “

There is also “no obligation for companies to offer home office”. Specifically, according to Section 6 of the Emergency Measures Ordinance, professional activity should “preferably take place outside the workplace, provided that this is possible and employer and employee find agreement”.

After the agreement of the social partners and the Federation of Industrialists (IV), the employers' associations – WKÖ and IV – did not sound really home office euphoric on Thursday. At a press conference in the morning, the IV emphasized that after the agreement it would be a good “crisis instrument” that would apply until 2023. In 2022, however, it will be evaluated to determine whether it is also practicable for non-crisis times.

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