Home » Home office and low interest rates are causing US house prices to rise

Home office and low interest rates are causing US house prices to rise

by alex

Case-Shiller Index shows the strongest increase in over 5 years

In the USA, house prices continued to rise sharply during the corona crisis. In October there was the strongest increase in more than five years. In the country's 20 major metropolitan areas, prices rose 7.95 percent year-on-year, according to the S & P / Case-Shiller index published in New York on Tuesday. The last time there was a stronger increase was in mid-2014. Analysts had only expected growth of 6.95 percent on average.

In a month-on-month comparison, prices rose by 1.6 percent and thus also stronger than analysts expected. In this regard, it was the strongest increase since April 2013.

The price development on the American real estate market shows that the corona crisis has hardly done any damage so far. Rather, house prices have risen sharply. Experts explain this with the extremely low interest rates, a strong security-related demand for real estate and the increasing need for living space due to home work.

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