Home » Holding aid to Ukraine is wrong: the main thing from the speech of Biden and Zelensky

Holding aid to Ukraine is wrong: the main thing from the speech of Biden and Zelensky

by alex

Ukraine plans to achieve control in the air, and the duration of the war will depend on the dominance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the skies.

US President Joe Biden stated this during a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky.

Read the main points of the speech of both presidents on Facts ICTV.

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What Biden said

Opening his press conference, Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin “is betting that the United States will not be able to” new aid, and said that American disagreements over the provision of new aid play into Russia's hands.

The head of the White House assured that the United States will not refuse to support Ukraine and recalled that there is bipartisan support for Ukraine. Otherwise, if this support is not provided, Russia will continue to use violence for its own purposes.

— If we don't stop Putin today, freedom everywhere will be at risk. Putin will go further. Brazen aggressors will appear everywhere and will take everything they want to take by force, — he said.

He noted that a program host on Russian state television praised Republicans for blocking new aid to Ukraine last week.

— If you're being glorified by Russian propagandists, maybe it's time to rethink what you're doing — Biden said.

Biden also added that he is ready to compromise with Republicans in the US House of Representatives on the issue of border financing, because that’s how democracy works.

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— I'm ready for this. It is not right to hold aid to Ukraine, — said the US President.

When asked by journalists about supporting Ukraine and stopping Ukrainian troops in the counter-offensive, Biden replied that Russia had stopped advancing in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Armed Forces had recaptured more than 50% of the territories that were captured after February 24, 2022.

He also pointed out that Ukraine pushed back the Russian fleet in order to be able to export grain in the Black Sea.

— The United States provides weapons to Ukraine and thereby creates jobs within the United States. We want Ukraine to succeed and the best way to do this is to pass a bill on additional funds (Ukraine, — Ed.), — he said.

When asked by journalists about the future of Donald Trump's possible presidency in the United States, Biden replied that only a small part of Republicans do not want to support Ukraine.

— The whole world is watching what we do. We will send a terrible signal to aggressors and allies if we retreat this time. And it will be a blow to our national security, — said the head of the White House.

Also, US President Joe Biden also stated that Ukraine “without question” will be in NATO, but “after he wins this war”.

Zelensky's statements

In turn, Vladimir Zelensky added that in a conversation with President Biden he discussed the issue of how Ukraine can strengthen air defense and destroy the Russian Federation’s supply chains.

— We seek to win the air battle by destroying Russian air dominance. He who controls the sky controls the duration of the war, — Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian leader also said that during a visit on Monday to companies that produce weapons, advice and recommendations were received on expanding the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.

Separately, the President of Ukraine thanked the United States for new sanctions against Russia and said that he discussed with Biden the isolation of Kremlin head Vladimir Putin.

President Vladimir Zelensky was also asked whether Ukraine could agree to peace in exchange for territory.

— How Ukraine can give away its territories? This is madness. We are talking about living people, they are tortured, killed, raped. Give up territory — give the children away. Are the people who talk about this ready to give their children to terrorists? — he said.

Zelensky also told Biden that Ukraine “implemented all recommendations of the European Commission” in preparation for negotiations on his country's accession to the European Union.

— Everything we talked about today will help us in 2024, — Zelensky said.

President of Ukraine in the USA

Recall that the President of Ukraine is on a two-day visit to the United States. On Monday, December 11, the Ukrainian head of state met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Brown.

In turn, on Tuesday, December 12, President Zelensky arrived at the US Congress, where he spoke in the Senate of the Congress in front of both parties, and then — met with House Speaker Mike Johnson.

After the conversation with congressmen, Zelensky, at the invitation of Joe Biden, went to the White House.

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