Home » “Heroes” and “traitors”: the Russian military is motivated with a board of honor and shame

“Heroes” and “traitors”: the Russian military is motivated with a board of honor and shame

by alex

The Russian military is motivated with the board of honor and shame/Ruslan Leviev's twitter

Russian invaders are extremely demoralized by the lack of serious victories in more than 2 months of the war against Ukraine and significant losses at the front. Therefore, their command decided to “encourage” them to fight.

According to the founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team, Ruslan Leviev, they did it in the usual Soviet manner.

So, according to Leviev, 2 stands were placed in one of the field camps of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine. On them the occupiers hang out photos of “bad” and “good” Russian soldiers. It is obvious that the first stand with “bad” fighters will have portraits of those who refuse to fight against Ukraine.

Well, it seems that the Russian command cannot offer any other motivation to kill innocent Ukrainians. Neither money, nor the ability to loot, nor even barrage detachments helps in this.

Interesting!The main task of the “protective detachments” is to encourage the occupier's units to take active steps. That is, to open fire on those who are trying to retreat, -s-pomoshhju-doski-pocheta-i-pozora-77529cb.jpg” alt=”"Heroes" and "traitors": the Russian military is motivated with a board of honor and shame” />

Board honor of the occupiers/Photo from Twitter Ruslan Leviev

"Heroes" and "traitors": the Russian military is motivated with the board of honor and shame

The board of shame of the occupiers/Photo from Ruslan Leviev's Twitter

The invaders are demoralized

The morale of the Russian army is so low that the officers are forced to shoot their soldiers. All in order to force them to attack Ukraine. Evidence of this is in the intercepted correspondence of the Russian invaders, which was made public by the SBU.

According to the SBU, the commander of the regiment of invaders, who is fighting near Izyum in the Kharkiv region, complains to another officer about his soldiers.

Mine also became very afraid. All powerless. I can't lift them mentally, or physically. I even shoot. And all in vain, – says the commander of the regiment of invaders.

The Russian invader burst into tears and surrendered: watch the video

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