Home » Hematologist named blood-thickening foods

Hematologist named blood-thickening foods

by alex

Hematologist Evseev called coffee the “worst enemy” of blood

Photo: Pixabay.com

Improper eating habits, as well as the abuse of coffee and alcohol, thicken the blood, which can cause blood clots, said hematologist Dmitry Evseev, writes “Evening Moscow”.

An unbalanced diet, which mainly consists of carbohydrates and fatty foods, can lead to such results. “All this aggravates the patient's situation. Excessive alcohol consumption is also not good, ”he stressed and added that alcoholic drinks lead to clumping of platelets. Alcohol can thin the blood only in a safe daily dose. The specialist recalled that you can drink no more than 30 grams of vodka or 100 grams of red wine per day.

The physician called coffee the “worst enemy” of blood, and also urged to be careful with dairy products, after which the viscosity of the fluid in the body increases. In addition, he urged to avoid smoking, as it causes atherosclerosis. Nicotine constricts blood vessels and increases the risk of thrombosis.

Earlier, doctors said that thrombosis has become one of the most frequent consequences of a coronavirus infection. They can lead to strokes and heart attacks even after the patient has recovered.

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