Home ยป Heat in Europe: a beach in Paris and a cold shower for animals in Britain

Heat in Europe: a beach in Paris and a cold shower for animals in Britain

by alex

A real beach was organized in Paris with sunbeds, catamarans, kayaks and playgrounds .

This is reported by TSN.

And since swimming is prohibited in the Seine, six pools have been specially installed for both adults and kids. Vacationers admit that in hot weather – here is a real salvation. Especially when, for lack of money, they cannot go on vacation to the sea.

Cold shower for animals: in Britain, in the Chester Zoo, four-legged wards are saved from the heat. The menagerie staff say the monkeys love icy snacks – food is specially frozen for them. Elephants love showers. And they almost never leave it. Only occasionally do they dive into the lake. In addition, the keepers also control that there are shady cool places in the enclosures where animals could hide from the scorching sun.

Recall that earlier climatologists Svetlana Boychenko said that the weather in Ukraine in the summer of 2022< /strong> will be with the same swings as it was in the winter of 2021. According to her, the temperature in summer can drop and rise sharply. This, in turn, will lead to thunderstorms and heavy winds.


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