Home » He took the temperature and kissed: in Lviv, a schoolgirl accused her physical education teacher of harassment

He took the temperature and kissed: in Lviv, a schoolgirl accused her physical education teacher of harassment

by alex

In one of the lyceums in Lviv, a schoolgirl accused her physical education teacher of harassment. Classmates almost unanimously came to the defense of the teacher.

The incident occurred in the Carpathians during the winter holidays. Immediately after the incident, 15-year-old Veronica called the hotline for victims of violence, and only then the mother and the police.

mother protecting daughter

As Elena Kramarenko, the mother of the schoolgirl, told journalists, Veronika transferred to the 21st Lyceum to study only in January, and during this time she did not have time to get to know her classmates well.

That is why the girl agreed to go with the team to the Carpathians: the trip took place under the guidance of a young physical education teacher Nikolai Vladimirovich.

– At some point, he began to climb to kiss her. That is, with the tongue, kiss, and she did not let him in as best she could, closed herself, – Veronica's mother admits.

The girl told her mother that in the Carpathians they drank alcoholic drinks together. Until that day, Veronica had never seemed to have tasted alcohol, and after a few sips she became ill.

He took the temperature and kissed: in Lviv, a schoolgirl accused her physical education teacher of harassment

– In fact, he drank, and they. With his permission, it turns out. My daughter is not used to this, she became ill from low alcohol. She was scared. She did not expect, well, he is an adult, and he himself is in the room. This happened several times. For the fourth time, he climbed again and crawled under the jacket, – Elena Kramarenko adds.

What the physical education teacher said

28-year-old Nikolai Vladimirovich, suspected of harassing his student, denies all accusations.

He admitted that that evening , due to Veronica's poor health, he simply decided to take her temperature. No extra touches or kisses, according to the teacher, could not be.

He took the temperature and kissed: in Lviv, a schoolgirl accused her physical education teacher of harassment

– Yes, there was beer, there was vodka, which had already been started, there definitely wasn’t half of it, and a lot of different beer. I don’t mind that I pulled off the T-shirt and put a thermometer on it, but then I turned it to the side where the thermometer is, and that’s it, the teacher told reporters.

After the incident, Nikolai Vladimirovich continues to work at the lyceum, he was not removed from classes.

No one can believe that a former student, and now also a lyceum teacher, encroached on a tenth-grader, so they are waiting for the official conclusions of the investigators.

The reaction of the director and the police

According to Valentina Zvezhinskaya, director of the Lviv Lyceum No. 21 , she did not know about the spontaneous trip to the Carpathians, organized by a physical education teacher.

He took the temperature and kissed: in Lviv, a schoolgirl accused her physical education teacher of harassment

At the same time, the woman added that Nikolai Vladimirovich is a favorite teacher not only of high school students, but also of their parents. For nine years of work in the lyceum, not a single complaint was made against him.

– Neither I, nor the administration, nor the class teacher – we were not informed about such a trip. It's just that the teacher is highly respected by the children. The official investigation will come to the conclusion: if the answer is “yes”, such a teacher does not deserve to work in an educational institution,” the director of the lyceum emphasized.

Meanwhile, the police have already conducted a number of examinations. According to the results of one of them, that evening, 15-year-old Veronica was sober, but the teacher was intoxicated.

So far, it is known that the girl has not yet come to class after the incident: she is in a depressed state, a psychologist is working with her.

The schoolgirl's mother said that she plans to transfer her daughter to another educational institution again in order to avoid bullying from classmates.

How true are the schoolgirl's accusations of harassment by the teacher, law enforcement officers will find out. If the guilt of a 28-year-old man is proven, he will not only be fired from his job, but also put in jail.

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